26, No. 1
December 2020
NC Child Welfare Transformation Glossary
CFSP (North Carolina's 2020-24 Child and Family Services Plan). A 5-year strategic plan for child welfare in NC. Every June, the state updates the federal government on its efforts to implement the CFSP by issuing an Annual Progress and Services Report (APSR).
CRC (Children's Research Center). Part of NCCD, much of CRC's work centers around the Structured Decision Making system, a set of research-based assessments used by NC child welfare agencies.
CSF (Center for the Support of Families). The third-party evaluator that assessed NC's child welfare system and issued recommendations for improving it; CSF is helping NC implement the practice model.
CSFR (Child and Family Services Review). A periodic federal-state assessment that helps ensure quality services are provided to children and families through state child welfare systems. Administered by the U.S. Children's Bureau since 2000.
CWFAC (Child Welfare Family Advisory Council). A state-level body comprised of parents who have received child protective services, resource parents, and foster care alumni; by serving on the LAT and in other capacities, members ensure NCDSS receives input from those impacted by child welfare services.
Design Teams. Teams that provide leadership and stakeholder input to help NC improve outcomes for children and families. There are five teams, one for each of NC's major strategic priorities for child welfare: safety, permanency, well-being, continuous quality improvement, and workforce development.
ELT (Executive Leadership Team). The decision-making body responsible for setting the vision, leading implementation, aligning policies and finances, incorporating recommendations for system learning, and ensuring child welfare system transformation achieves identified outcomes.
Family First (Family First Prevention Services Act of 2018). The most sweeping legislation to impact federal child welfare financing and programs in decades.
LAT (Child Welfare Services Leadership Advisory Team). Works with the ELT to inform and support planning, readiness, implementation prioritization, and sequencing of specific recommendations and initiatives related to recently enacted legislation to reform child welfare.
NCACDSS (NC Association of Directors of County Departments of Social Services). A nonprofit association representing social service directors; the association informs, educates, and empowers its members in order to strengthen agencies, programs, and the delivery of social services.
NCCD (National Council on Crime and Delinquency). A nonprofit research organization; oversees CRC, which developed the Structured Decision Making system.
NCDHHS (NC Department of Health and Human Services). Manages the delivery of health and human-related services for all North Carolinians; oversees NCDSS.
NCDSS (NC Division of Social Services). Part of NCDHHS; gives guidance and technical assistance to agencies that provide direct services to address issues of poverty, family violence, and exploitation--this includes supervising North Carolina's child welfare system.
Practice Model. Provides a roadmap for a program's core principles, values, and related skills; contains definitions and explanations regarding how the agency as a whole will work internally and partner with families, service providers, and other stakeholders in child welfare services.
Rylan's Law (SL-2017-41). A NC law passed in 2017 to increase accountability and transparency and improve outcomes for children and families in our state.
SOP (Safety Organized Practice). The child welfare practice model NC has chosen to implement.
Transformation. The process of changing completely the character or appearance of something in order to improve it (Cambridge Dictionary, 2020).
ULT (Unified Leadership Team). Provides a forum for state and county leaders to come together to provide guidance, direction, and sequencing instruction for child welfare transformation in NC. |