2000 Jordan Institute
for Families
Vol. 1, No.
Spring 1996
Implications: Helping the Children
To Help Foster Children:
- Whenever possible, place siblings together or near each other to facilitate
communication and visitation.
- Consider the use of plain clothes policeman and unmarked vehicles
when removing children from home or school.
- Make sure children understand clearly why they are being removed from
their parents' care. It may also be useful for them to know what types
of things would have to happen for them to be returned.
- Remember that foster children may understand and appreciate your efforts
more then they can tell you!
To Help Biological Children:
- Consider creating a pre-placement training or discussion group for
biological and adoptive children. Contact with other children or teens
sharing their experiences may be beneficial.
- Discuss a foster child's needs with adoptive and biological children,
as well as with foster parents.
- Talk with parents about ways to make both foster children and biological
children feel at home. Discuss the misconception that because a child
is a teenager they do not need or want time with their parents. Encourage
parents to set aside private time with biological children.
1996 Jordan Institute for Families