Vol. 1, No.
Summer 1996
is the Child Behavior Checklist?
The Child Behavior Checklist is a 118-item questionnaire to be answered
by parents, teachers, and other caregivers about children between ages
five and sixteen. Designed by Thomas Achenbach, the purposes of the checklist
are to determine what services are appropriate for a particular child,
list the types of problems a child is having, and track changes in response
to interventions. Questions create three types of behavior scales:
1. Internalizing scales - depression/withdrawal, anxiety, or somaticizing
2. Externalizing scales - cruel, aggressive, and delinquent behaviors
3. Mixed scales - documenting other problem behaviors such as
immaturity or hyperactivity.
Items name a certain type of behavior (e.g., "bites fingernails",
"gets teased a lot", "cruel to animals", "behaves
like the opposite sex") and parents or caregivers are then asked
to indicate whether this is not true, somewhat or sometimes true, or very
often true about their child. They may also be asked to indicate the frequency
of behaviors.
The checklist has been extensively tested, and norms exist for a variety
of populations. The questionnaire can be quickly hand-scored by adding
various items together and takes about fifteen minutes for a caregiver
to complete. It is one of the most widely used instruments in children's
mental health.
Achenbach, T. (1991). Child Behavior Checklist. Univ.
of Vermont.
Magura, S., & Moses, B. S. (1986). Outcome Measures
for Child Welfare Services: Theory and Applications. Washington, D.C.:
Child Welfare League of America, Inc.
© 1996 Jordan
Institute for Families