Vol. 2,
No. 3
June 1997
Carolina's Families for Kids Counties: Looking at Diversity (Cleveland
this initiative began two years ago, people in the department of social
services in the eight North Carolina's Families for Kids counties
have been taking stock of what they do to see if there are better ways
to work with families and each other.
was in this spirit that the Cleveland County, North Carolina DSS began
looking at how their agency handles issues of difference and cultural
Just a Buzzword
look at cultural diversity? What does diversity have to do with a county's
ability to achieve the Families for Kids goals?
Bob Hensley, Cleveland County's DSS Administrator, the relationship is
clear: "What I know about how I respond to different types of people
affects my practice. If I don't understand a family's values or customs,
I may run into trouble helping them."
of the impact culture has on their work, Cleveland DSS set out to determine
where things stood in their agency and how they could improve. Hensley
called Robert Leibson Hawkins, a cultural diversity expert at the University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH) School of Social Work, and asked
for his help in putting together a plan. Instead of simply scheduling
training, the two decided it would be more helpful--and cost effective--if
the agency developed its own resources in this area.
Hawkins explains, "If workers attend a workshop they may return to
their agency with a new way of looking at their clients, their work, themselves.
But if the prevailing views in their work environment haven't changed,
then a few days or weeks later they may find that they have slipped back
into their old, less effective way of working and thinking." Cleveland
County wanted something more sustainable and comprehensive.
talking with Hensley, Hawkins and Mary Anne Salmon, a reseacher at University
of North Carolina (UNC), designed a survey to help Cleveland DSS determine
how its employees thought the agency was doing in terms of cultural competency.
Then they made the survey available on the world wide web; everyone in
the agency was given access to a computer with an Internet connection,
and a password, so that it would be completely confidential. Out of 180
people in the agency, 125 completed the questionnarie--a very high completion
the survey was completed, Hawkins conducted a series of cultural competency
discussion groups, attended by most agency staff, where he presented preliminary
results of the survey and provided basic instruction in cultural competency.
the agency created a Diversity Team composed of volunteers from the different
specialized areas within the agency. Members of this team will identify
training needs and make recommendations to the director, Lorene Rogers.
Bob Hensley explains their role: "For example, we are seeing more
and more Spanish-speaking individuals, and more Vietnamese individuals.
This group would try to determine what we need to support our work with
these families."
and others at UNC will also conduct telephone interviews of 300 clients
of Cleveland County DSS so the agency can get specific feedback about
how it handles diversity. Interviewers will ask clients about their perception
of the attitude within the agency and whether they feel there are barriers
due to their age, race, gender, religion, or socioeconomic status.
information will help Cleveland County build its growing expertise in
diversity so that it can continually improve outcomes for families and
1997 Jordan Institute for Families