2000 Jordan Institute
for Families

3, No. 1
April 1998
Girls Really More Resilient?
research suggests that girls are more resilient than boys, practitioners
should be careful about relying on this conclusion. There are several
explanations for the higher incidence of serious emotional and behavioral
disturbance in boys.
theory is that, due to dominant cultural values, girls are more likely
to keep their distress to themselves. Girls are often taught that assertiveness
is impolite, while boys learn to express their feelings freely. Therefore,
boys may show their anger in destructive ways, while their sisters remain
relatively "calm." As a result, mental illness may go undetected
in girls, only to show up later in life.
explanation has to do with the many roles girls play. Especially as they
reach maturity, girls may be asked to become housekeepers, employees,
and caretakers for children. Parents may feel that it is necessary for
girls to remain in the home at all costs. Boys are more likely to be removed
from the home (Packman, 1986), which often aggravates existing problems.
girls may appear more resilient than they actually are. With this in mind,
practitioners should accept that boys and girls may have different ways
of expressing their distress, and take care not to stigmatize boys or
ignore girls.
J. (1986). Who need care. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific.
Michael. (1987). Psychosocial resilience and protective mechanisms. American
Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 57(3), 316-331.
1998 Jordan Institute for Families