4, No. 2
May 1999
Carolina Division of Mental Health Programs and Services
Alternatives: Provides mental health (MH), developmental disabilities
(DD) and substance abuse (SA) services to citizens in all 100 counties
through 40 area authorities for MH/DD/SA services (Area Programs).
Alternatives Program for Persons with Mental Retardation/Developmental
Disabilities (CAP-MR/DD): A Medicaid program serving individuals
with the MR/DD (ICF/MR) in the community instead of in an institution
or group home setting.
Disabilities Section (DD): Provides services for North Carolinians
with developmental disability, developmental delay, atypical development,
and those at risk for these conditions.
Health Services (MH): Promotes improved quality of life for
adults with severe and persistent mental illness and for other persons
(and their families) affected by significant mental health problems.
Abuse Services Section (SAS): Branches include Adult; Child,
Adolescent, and Women's; DWI/Criminal Justice; Prevention; Employee Assistance;
and Drug Regulatory. Specialty functions include Administration; Institutional
Services; Research and Planning; Policy; and Educational Services.
and Family Services: Facilitates and monitors non-residential
and residential child mental health services in each of the 40 Area Programs,
as well as in the children's units in the four psychiatric hospitals,
and in the two residential re-education centers for children. These services
are for children ages birth to 18 (and their families) who have or are
at-risk for emotional disturbance.
S. Services: In order to become members of the Thomas S class,
individuals must have resided in one of North Carolina's psychiatric hospitals
on or after March 22, 1984, as an adult, and must have a diagnosis of
mental retardation or have been treated as such. The treatment of these
individuals, based on the District Court's Order, is to be provided in
a manner that promotes their independence, enhances their dignity, and
is as consistent as possible with societal norms, in view of each person's
individual and special needs.
Services: Works with citizens with psychiatric and/or alcohol
and other drug disorders and/or developmental disabilities by initiating
and supporting the development and ongoing improvement of crisis response
and crisis stabilization services, and crisis prevention services for
individuals who are high users of emergency and inpatient services, especially
those individuals with multiple, co-occurring disorders.
M. Services: Services for children under age 18 who are seriously
mentally, emotionally, and/or neurologically handicapped with accompanying
violent or assaultive behavior; who are likely to be involuntarily institutionalized
or placed in a residential program; and who are not receiving appropriate
treatment, educational, or rehabilitative services. Each child is provided
medical treatment, education, training, and care; the least restrictive
living conditions appropriate for his/her needs; and placements and services
that are actually needed, rather than those that are currently available.
N.C. Department of Health and Human Services, Mental Health Division.
(1998, August 4). [Online]. <http://www.dhr.state.nc.us/DHR/DMH/>.(Web
address no longer functional.)
1999 Jordan Institute for Families