2000 Jordan Institute
for Families

4, No. 3
June 1999
Profile of Child Welfare Social Workers Who Stay
1993 researcher R. Reagh conducted a small study of child welfare workers
who had been in the field for at least five years. Although the sample
consisted of only 18 respondents, this study is interesting because it
identifies a number of characteristics shared by those who stayed with
their agency after the "honeymoon."
who stayed, Reagh found, like to feel needed, to make a difference, and
to be quiet contributors. They also shared similar credentialseach
had either earned a BSW or related degree or were license-eligible in
Ohio. And all but one of the respondents had personal reasons for being
in a helping profession: they had experienced victimization, the death
of someone close to them, illness, or disability and felt these factors
led them to the field. They felt that as child welfare workers they could
make things better for children and families who, like themselves, had
difficult experiences.
social workers in Reagh's study found meaning in their work, despite their
chaotic environment. They felt supported by their colleagues and supervisors
and attempted to do their jobs as creatively as the system allowed. Although
all of the participants reported feelings of burnout at some time in the
past, they felt the maturing they had done personally and professionally
made coping easier.
R. (1994). Public child welfare professionals: Those who stay. Journal
of Sociology and Social Welfare, 21(3), 69-78.
1999 Jordan Institute for Families