Vol. 5,
No. 3
Interview with District Court Judge Gary S. Cash
Judges have a tremendous impact on social
workers and the families and children they serve. In the course of their
daily work they make decisions about whether it is safe for a child to
remain in her home, what course of treatment a parent needs to follow,
or what steps DSS must take to support families.
In order to do their jobs well,
child welfare social workers need to understand what judges expect of
them and how judges see their own role in child welfare matters.
Yet the place they occupy in
the courtroom, the rules and procedures of the court, their stern black
robesall these give judges an air of unapproachability.
To help you get a better sense
of a judge's perspective, Practice Notes interviewed District Court
Judge Gary S. Cash. A native of Oxford, NC, Cash received a law degree
from UNC-Chapel Hill in 1976. After practicing law for ten years, he was
appointed to be a district court judge in the 28th Judicial
District, which serves Buncombe County.
PN: Can you talk for a
minute about your philosophy and your goals for families and children?
I think I became involved in
practicing law because I grew up with the philosophy that you felt best
by helping other people. What gives me purpose in what I do is feeling
that maybe there's a chance of helping a family resolve whatever conflicts
there are so maybe they can move on with their lives.
This can certainly be passed
down philosophically to helping kids, or help ing [parents] understand
that if you want to have the kids in your home and not be placed in foster
care you've got to deal with these problemsyour substance abuse,
your propensity to lose control of your temper.
I've always believed that if
you can show people that you respect them and are concerned about them,
though you feel they may need to have some consequences for poor behaviorthat's
more productive in modifying their behavior. Whereas if you approach them
as a judge in terms of "you're bad and you deserve to be punished,"
the response you get is not too good. You don't necessarily modify their
behavior. Most often you make them angry back at you.
When I reflect upon it that's
exactly what I'm trying to do, to get people to modify their behavior
in a positive way. That tends to work very well in juvenile court and
domestic court, because families still have to continue to work together.
The best situation that you can create, from where I sit, is where parents
have to communicate. In most cases when I get the case, that's what's
PN: What are your expectations
of social workers in your court?
I think quite often, and it's
not just social workers, most witnesses think their job is to give their
From a judicial standpoint,
what I'm looking for is not whether the social worker was concerned. That's
an opinion, a state of mind. What I'm interested in is what the social
worker saw. I need them to be my eyes and ears, I need that information.
What I don't want is the issue
of whether the social worker was concerned. That's not admissable evidence
anyway. If I made a finding where the social worker believed the Mom committed
abuse, that finding is going to be ruled out by the court of appeals.
So I think the two most important
things for social workers to remember are to review the notes or review
the file, if you can, before coming to courtnot necessarily bring
it with you but review itso you remember what you saw and heard.
Then, focus on just being a factual witness as opposed to giving opinion
PN: Are there different
expectations for guardians ad litem? Are they supposed to refrain from
giving opinion, too?
The role of the guardian is
normally the same as the social worker'swhat did I see, what did
I hear.
Additionally, neglect and dependency
cases are divided into two phases, an adjudication and a disposition
phase. The rules are different in those phases. You have to do adjudication
before you can get to disposition, so if you determine as a judge that
a child has been neglected, then you move to deciding what to do about
it, the dispositional phase.
During the adjudication phase,
the rules of evidence apply. I can only hear, unless you're qualified
as an expert, what you heard, what you sawfactual testimony. And
that would include testimony from the guardian.
When one gets to disposition,
then the rules of evidence do not apply, and a lay person such as a guardian
can state an opinion.
PN: What about the issue
of foster parents appearing in court?
To foster parents I would say
this: don't feel like you've got to be hidden. If you want to come to
court, come to court. There may be an opportunity for you to say something
in open court, to a judge. That's happened before. When we've gotten to
the dispositional phase the foster parent just raises their hand and says
"I'd like to say something." Judge: "Who are you?"
Foster parent: "I'm a foster parent." Judge: "Sure, what
do you want to say?"
PN: Has the Families
for Kids initiative affected what happens in the judicial process
or outcomes for families and children in Buncombe County?
I think certainly over the
past five years the concept that the Kellogg foundation began to talk
about a long time agofewer moves for kids, faster final resolutions
of placement issueshas become ingrained in all of us. That general
approach has been effective. The new juvenile code has addressed that
in some respects. I think all in all, that initiative and other initiatives
have made us more mindful to move things on, and we are probably better
as a system in terms of addressing those issues.
PN: What is the best thing
about being a judge?
The job is really about helping
people. Just the resolution of a dispute helps people emotionally let
go and move on to a different place. So even if you determine that a child
has been neglected, it helps parents understand, "Okay, that's been
determined. I'm not going to fight against that anymore. Now I'm going
to move to the next stage, and that is, how am I going to get my kids
That's really what I try to
do, and I think that's the trend nationally and what judges focus on"Let's
move through adjudication. Let's get down to disposition. What does the
department want these folks to do to get their kids back? Tell me the
things. I'll structure them. We'll try to make it workable so the parents
don't get overburdened. Do them, and let's get your kids back." That
can be real healing, I think.
PN: What is the hardest
part about being a judge?
I think the hardest part is
probably not knowing the truth. They don't teach us how to tell if people
lie. We certainly don't have crystal balls, never have had. So you're
using your best logic, and certainly your feelings, to try to determine
where you think the truth may be. Determining the truth is an elusive
process that can be quite frustrating. It would be wonderful to know
what's the truth.
[Not knowing] can be pretty
frustrating, particularly in the serious DSS cases involving sex abuse.
Most often, we don't know. We'll have a child medical examiner's report
that's inconclusive, and we've got a little child whose credibility issues
are, are there, and you've got a parent who's denying that he or she ever
molested the child. And we've got a department [of social services] that
as a matter of child safety has taken the position that "a child
has made these statements, and we therefore are going to conclude this
child was abused."
So judges take the information
that's available and try to make a decision that is right, that follows
the law, and that protects a child. And those can be competing goals.
To know the truth would be a wonderful thing.
PN: Is there anything else
you'd like to say to child welfare social workers or foster parents?
What one will get sometimes
is an inquiry from a social worker or a foster parent or another person:
"Judge, I'm really concerned about what Judge So-and-So is doing
in these cases. I mean, he or she is not listening, or they're not reading
the fileI've heard thator they're being punitive, or being
condescending to parentsa number of concerns. How do you address
that? I'm afraid to go talk to that person because that may prejudice
that judge against us when we're in court again if we say what we feel."
Write a letter. You don't have
to sign your name, it can be anonymous. If you do that I think you need
to explain why it's anonymousyou're writing it because you're concerned
and you're afraid that you, the writer, will have to appear in court in
front of that judge, and you're concerned that this letter may bias the
judge towards you in the future, but you have these concerns.
People are wary, I think, of
having personal discussions with judges. To some extent I think that's
justified. We certainly don't want to talk about cases with people. And
it is difficult to talk with judges, just because of their position, about
their personalities.
But feedback is always good.
We need to know, because we do operate so independently, that we're doing
something that we can't see. We may elect to do it anyway if it's pointed
out, but there's nothing wrong with you, as a person who has been in a
courtroom a number of times, communicating your concerns.
© 2000 Jordan Institute for Families