2000 Jordan Institute
for Families

Vol. 5,
No. 4
for Visitation
Here are some ideas for making visits
fun for children, valuable assessment tools for social workers,
and positive learning experiences for parents.
- Hold visits in the foster home
- Share lunch with children at school
or day care
- Include parents on doctor or dentist
- Have visits in the child's own
- Conduct visits at a relative's
- Involve the therapist
- Have visits outside the agency
at parks, playgrounds, libraries,
museums, or fast-food restaurants
- Train volunteers or casework aides
to be "visitation specialists" who can monitor, mentor,
and provide transportation
- Encourage parents to attend the
child's school functions, such as parties, plays, or concerts
- Tailor plans to the interests of
children and birth parents; they may have common activities/interests
that facilitate positive interactions
Sources: Flick,
1999; Loar, 1998
© 2000 Jordan Institute for Families