2001 Jordan Institute
for Families

7, No. 1
January 2002
Understand Your Feelings
Child welfare workers are experienced
in dealing with the most horrendous
acts against children, and while they never lose their sensitivity to
these acts, chances are they do establish an internal mechanism for handling
their feelings. However, because workers have less experience with other
crimes, their feelings and reactions cannot be taken for granted. Some
may see crimes such as murder and drug trafficking as less upsetting than
child maltreatment, whereas others may have particularly negative reactions.
The worker's honest critique of his or her own reactions is the best strategy
for ensuring that negative feelings aren't unintentionally communicated
to the child, making it more difficult for the child to maintain a positive
view of the parent.
Because a high percentage
of incarcerated parents, particularly mothers, have substance abuse issues,
workers should also recognize and evaluate their feelings about addiction
and their beliefs about an addict's ability to recover.
Excerpted from Wright, L. E. & Seymour,
C. B. (2000). Working with children and families separated by incarceration:
A handbook for child welfare agencies. Washington, DC: CWLA Press.