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© 2004 Jordan Institute
for Families

Vol. 9, No. 3
April 2004

References for the Issue on Collaboration between Work First (TANF) and Child Welfare Programs

Andrews, C., Bess, R., Jantz, A., & Russell, V. (2002). Collaboration between state welfare and child welfare agencies. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute. Assessing the New Federalism. Discussion paper Series A, No. A-54, Sept. 2002. <>

Berns, D. & Drake, B. (1999). Combining child welfare and welfare reform at a local level. Policy & Practice 57(1), 26-34. <>

Bernstein, N. (August 14, 2002). Child-only cases grow in welfare. New York Times. <>

Duncan, D. (2001). The impact of welfare reform in North Carolina [presentation]. Chapel Hill: UNC-CH School of Social Work. <>

Geen, R., Fender, L., Leos-Urbel, J, & Markowitz, T. (2001). Welfare reform’s effect on child welfare caseloads. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute. Assessing the New Federalism. Discussion paper 01-04. <>

Geen, R. (2002). Policy brief: Shoring up the child welfare-TANF link. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute. <>

Geen, R., Kortenkamp, K., & Stagner (2002). Foster care experiences of long-term welfare recipients in California. Social Services Review, 76(4), 552–574.

Goerge, R. M., Lee, B. J., Reidy, M., Needell, B., Brookhart, A., Duncan, D., & Usher, L. (2000). Dynamics of children’s movement among the AFDC, Medicaid and foster care programs prior to welfare reform: 1995-1996., Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services <>

Greenberg, M. H., Levin-Epstein, J., Hutson, R. Q., Ooms, T.. J., Schumacher, R., Turetsky, V., & Engstrom, D. M. (2002). The 1996 welfare law: Key elements and reauthorization issues affecting children. The Future of Children, 12, 27-58. <>

Hutson, R. Q. (2003). A vision for eliminating poverty and family violence: Transforming TANF and child welfare in El Paso County, Colorado. Center for Law and Social Policy. <>

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Kakuska, C. J. & Hercik, J. M. (May 2002). Establishing linkages between TANF and child welfare: Final report. Caliber Associates. <>

Kaplan, A. & Copeland, I. (2001). Addressing the well-being of children in child-only cases. Welfare Information Network Issue Notes, 5(6). <>

Malm, K. & Geen, R. (2003). When child welfare agencies rely on voluntary kinship placements. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute. Assessing the New Federalism. Series A, No. A-61. <>

Needell, B., Cuccaro-Alamin, S., Brookhart, A., & Lee, Seon. (1999). Transitions from AFDC to child welfare in California. Children and Youth Services Review, 21(9-10), 815–841.

NC Association of County Directors of Social Services. (2002). A self-assessment of FamilyNet: The North Carolina TANF/child welfare collaborative. Raleigh, NC: Author. <>

NC Association of County Directors of Social Services. (2004). FamilyNet: Social services in the 21st century—not your father’s Oldsmobile. Raleigh, NC: Author. <>

NC Division of Social Services. (2003). Work First - about Work First. <>

Relave, N. (2002). Improving collaboration between welfare and workforce development agencies. Welfare Information Issue Notes, 6(4). <>

Research Forum. (2002). Relative caretakers in child-only cases lack support services to fulfill crucial roles. The Forum, 5(2). <>

Sedlak, A. J. & Broadhurst, D. D. (1996). Third national incidence study of child abuse and neglect. Washington, DC: US DHHS, Administration for Children and Families, Administration for Children, Youth, and Families, National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect.

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Wood, R. G. & Strong, D. A. (2002). The status of child-only TANF families: Evidence from New Jersey. Issue Brief, June 2002, Number 3. <>