Family and Children's
Resource Program

25, No. 1
November 2019
NC DSS Training to Support CPS Intake Skills
North Carolina's CPS intake workers and supervisors want and need opportunities for ongoing learning after they complete the mandatory classroom course Intake in Child Welfare Services. To support them, the NC Division of Social Services (NC DSS) offers the following. To learn more or register for courses below, NC county child welfare professionals should login to their accounts
Critical Thinking in Child Welfare
Child welfare agencies need staff who can approach situations with an open mind, analyze complex information in context, and respond appropriately and creatively. This self-paced, on-demand course teaches supervisors to cultivate these essential critical thinking habits and skills in those they supervise. |
Supporting Effective Documentation
This self-paced, on-demand course teaches supervisors strategies for addressing--and preventing--common documentation problems. Through video and case examples, learners will practice identifying and correcting specific documentation issues, and they will learn effective ways to support the kind of documentation needed to make sound decisions in child welfare. |
Secondary Trauma: A Course for Child Welfare Workers
Managing secondary trauma is an important piece of child welfare work. In this 1-day course you will create an individualized resilience plan to help you anticipate and respond to secondary trauma. |
Secondary Trauma: A Course for Supervisors and Managers
This 2-day course for supervisors will teach you about the impact secondary trauma has on you, your team, and your agency, and what to do about it. Click here for a short video about this course. |
Using Data to Improve Practice & Performance
Combining classroom-based and live online learning, this course provides child welfare agency directors, supervisors, program managers and administrators with the knowledge and skills to implement a four-step continuous quality improvement (CQI) process. Participants learn strategies for increasing commitment, accountability, and results within their teams as well as with community partners. Part of NC's Child Welfare Supervisor Academy. |
How CPS Intake and Timely Initiation Can Improve CPS Assessments
This 90-minute webinar recording explores ways to strengthen CPS intake and CPS initiation in North Carolina. (Event Date: 2/23/2017). Available here: |