1, No. 1
Winter 1995
Teen Fathers Differ from Other Young Men?
Many studies have looked at young women who
become pregnant and how they differ from their peers, but the literature
does not give as much information about the young men involved in early
parenting. However, as several of the articles reviewed in this issue
have pointed out, the teen father can play an important role.
A 1995 article in Youth and Society details
a study of teen fathers both before and after they become parents. To
do this, the study used national labor market data to follow a large number
of teenage boys over a ten-year period. During this time, 650 of these
teens became fathers. These 650 fathers were then compared to nonfathers
on dimensions of education, family background, self-esteem, and locus
of control. (Locus of control refers to whether a person believes he or
she can make changes in the world. If a person believes this is possible,
they are said to have an internal locus of control. If they believe
outside forces control his or her destiny, they are said to have an external
locus of control. Generally, an internal locus of control is believed
to be related to better outcomes.)
Teen fathers were found to be significantly different from their peers
in all dimensions. Teens who became fathers had parents with fewer years
of education, had more siblings, and were much more likely to have grown
up in a home below the poverty line. These households contained fewer
books, magazines, and newspapers. Less than half lived with both parents
until age 18.
On attitudinal measures, teen fathers were less likely to see themselves
as in control of their lives, both before and after they became parents.
They also reported more traditional views of gender roles. Self-esteem
scores were lower for those who eventually became teen fathers, supporting
similar research on teen mothers and suggesting that teens of both sexes
with low self-esteem may turn to parenting as a way to raise their self-esteem.
In the short run, this strategy appeared to work for many of these young
men. A significant group of teen fathers' self-esteem measures matched
their parenthood-delaying peers after their children were born. However,
these gains were not lasting. By seven years after birth of the child,
teen fathers' self-esteem scores were again significantly below those
of their peers.
The results of this study point to the need to consider the vulnerability
of young men as well as young women when considering teen pregnancy prevention.
It appears that the same dynamics that predispose young women toward early
motherhood also are at work in young men. Poverty, family instability,
low educational attainment, poor self-esteem, and an external locus of
control all work together to make control over parenthood seem next to
Pirog-Good, M. A. (1995). The family background and
attitudes of teen fathers. Youth and Society, 26(3), 351-376.
© 1995 Jordan
Institute for Families