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© 2000 Jordan Institute
for Families

Vol. 1, No. 1
Winter 1995

Intervention Points: Teen Pregnancy

  • Examine both the sources and quality of social supports for the teen mother. Are the adults in her life "taking over" and keeping her from the responsibilities and rewards of motherhood?

  • Take statements about depression and suicide seriously. If these issues do not come up, ask. Symptoms of depression include dramatic changes in sleeping and eating patterns, inability to take pleasure in activities that were once enjoyable, and difficulty concentrating. Work with your local mental health center and medical clinic on screening and treatment for these problems.

  • If teens are open to consider adoption, connect them with others who have placed children or have been adopted themselves.

  • Don't forget the father and his family. No matter what the young woman or her family says about his whereabouts or interests, his support of a plan can be crucial.

  • Teens do change their minds about placement. Consider interventions that will allow for parent education while supporting the adoption decision.

  • Help promote positive views of adoption in your community. Public service announcements, community forums, and question and answer sessions at local high schools are three possible forums for spreading the word about adoption.

© 1995 Jordan Institute for Families