4, No. 2
May 1999
North Carolina's Mental Health System
services and mental health are two of the biggest care systems in North
Carolina. Understanding the pressures that the mental health system faces
will help you promote a better working relationship between the two systems
and, ultimately, provide better service to the families and children who
use them.
of Mental Health
public system of mental health treatment and services in North Carolina
is provided by 40 area programs. Each area program must provide services
for people with mental illness, developmental disabilities, and substance
abuse problems. However, services are strictly voluntary and provided
on the basis of "medical necessity" and clinical judgement.
area programs have one or more mental health centers where these services
are provided, and/or they may contract with other entities to provide
some services. In general, area programs provide a range of services that
may include:
- Assessment, diagnosis, and a treatment plan
- Individual or group therapy
- Case management, which may include helping
individuals locate housing, apply for SSDI (Social Security Disability
Income) or SSI (Social Security Income), manage their personal finances,
or periodic follow-up on an individual's condition (NAMI of NC, 1998).
It is important to note that not all clients receive case management
to this extent.
- Psychosocial day programs (clubhouses)
- Partial hospitalization/day treatment programs
- Other in-home services, such as high risk
interventions for children
In addition,
four state psychiatric mental hospitals also provide treatment for people
with mental illness. Admission to a state hospital (whether it is for
long- or short-term treatment) usually requires an evaluation at one of
the area programs.
mission of the North Carolina Division of Mental Health, Disabilities,
and Substance Abuse Services is to "enable North Carolina's most
vulnerable and disabled persons with mental, developmental and substance
abuse problems to exercise their rights and responsibilities as citizens"
(NC Div. of MH, 1998). The North Carolina Division of Social Services
mission reads, "we are dedicated to assisting and providing opportunities
for individuals and families in need of basic economic support and services
to become self supporting and self reliant" (NC Div. of SS, 1998).
the difference in focus found in these mission statements, the approaches
of these two agencies are not completely different. The differences that
do exist, however, sometimes cause tension or misunderstanding that obscures
the fact that mental health and DSS often work with and care about the
same families. Closer collaboration between child welfare and mental health
workers is one way to get beyond misunderstanding and improve outcomes
for families and children.
the pressures on the mental health system should make this collaboration
on the System
a budget crisis in 1991, state mental health officials were desperate
for other sources of money and encouraged area program directors to go
after federal funds, particularly Medicaid money. Although the federal
money funded an expansion of services, it required a state "match."
In a match arrangement the state and county pay approximately 30 percent
of all claims and the federal government pays the remaining 70 percent.
federal investigation regarding Medicaid billing by the mental health
centers between 1995 and 1997 revealed that North Carolina owes the federal
government $17.5 million for improper billing. The "improper billing"
reflects the extra charges area programs attached to some services in
order to cover expenses for services to clients (including children) without
insurance of any type. "Center directors and their advocates say
they plowed the money they saved into services for people without Medicaid
or any other health insurance, many of them substance abusers" (Heath
& Clabby, 1998). The result of the $17.5 million payback will be a
reduction in the Medicaid flow to the centers by up to $40 million a year.
pressure to pay back funds while providing quality services has put a
strain on the mental health system throughout the state. Child welfare
workers need to recognize that as mental health resources become more
scarce, local collaboration between mental health and child welfare is
the years to come, strong, collaborative relationships will be essential
if families and children in need of care are to have continued to access
the services they need.
You Can Do
- If child welfare and mental health workers
in your area aren't meeting already, organize or suggest a meeting.
Use the meeting to discuss the changes occurring and ways you might
work together to best serve clients.
- Use staff meetings and supervisory time
to raise the issue of collaboration between the two systems.
- Keep up with the changes. Pay attention
to news stories about the mental health system so you know what is happening.
- Use every opportunity you have to make connections
with workers in the mental health system.
J. & Clabby, C. (August 16, 17, & 18, 1998). Fractured care,
fragile lives. Raleigh News and Observer [Online]. <http://www.news-observer.com/daily/1998/08/16/nc00.html>
[December 5, 1998].
Division of Social Services [Online]. <http://www.dhr.state.nc.us/DHR/DSS/aboutdss.htm>
[1998, August 4]. (Web address no longer functional.)
Division of Mental Health [Online]. <http://www.dhr.state.nc.us/DHR/DMH/>
[1998, August 4]. (Web address no longer functional.)
Alliance for the Mentally Ill in North Carolina. (1997). Getting treatment
for mental illness in North Carolina [Online]. <http://wow.naminc.org/>.
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Family and Children's Resource Program.
(1993). Family-centered practice curriculum. Chapel Hill, NC: UNC-CH
School of Social Work.
© 1999 Jordan
Institute for Families