2000 Jordan Institute
for Families
Vol. 5,
No. 1
Fostering Collaboration with Family
Support Agencies in Your Community
The first step you should take is to get to
know what's going on in your community. Find out what is already going
on in terms of cooperation between agencies. If there is not much collaboration
with family support agencies, then you might consider:
- Educating yourself about family
support. Learn not only the family
support principles, but about what they look like in practice. Learn,
too, about the different types of agencies that fall into the family
support category.
- Opening a dialog.
Opening communication between agencies is the first step.
- Organizing monthly meetings.
Have planned agendas with input from both sides, and allow time for
problem solving.
- Making site visits.
Include site visits to family support/resource agencies for new DSS
workers during their training. Invite family support and family resource
agency staff to visit DSS.
- Engaging in cross-training.
Use each other's areas of expertise in special issues (e.g., adult mental
health, children with special needs).
- Organizing conferences/workshops
- Making your clients' needs
known. Communicate with agencies
regarding how their existing services are meeting client needs and how
new or revised programs might address other needs.
- Advocating for each other.
Support each other's efforts to increase
funding, resources, or community contacts.
- Having family council representation.
© 2000 Jordan
Institute for Families