2002 Jordan Institute
for Families

7, No. 2
May 2002
Sexual Development
begin to explore their bodies, including their genitals.
Skin touch
is the primary method infants have available for learning about their
bodies, other's bodies, and their sexuality.
Other people's
response to that body exploration is one of the earliest forms of
social learning.
Half of
all adults report having participated in sex play as children.
express interest in feelings aroused by touching their genitalia in
the same way they express interest in the light of the moon, or a
flower blooming. Children express general interest in others' bodies
and may touch. Adult reactions teach shame or that privacy is important
for certain behaviors.
occurs naturally in boys and girls, and begins in infancy. By the
age of two or three years, most children have learned that masturbation
in front of others is likely to get them in trouble.
A strong
interest in viewing (via photographs, films, videos, etc.) other people's
Very few
children become sexually active in pre-adolescence. When they do,
it is usually initiated by adults.
activity or play during this age usually represents the use of sex
for non-sexual goals and purposes.
itself is generally marked by the societal acknowledgment of sexual
capacity. The way other people react to a teen's physical sexual characteristics
(body hair, formation of breasts, deepening of the voice, beginning
of menses) have a profound affect on both the young person's sense
of self esteem and the development of his/her social skills.
The adolescent
develops a growing awareness of being a sexual person, and of the
place and value of sex in one's life, including such options as celibacy.
The adolescent
may work toward significant resolution of confusion and conflict about
sexual orientation.
It is during
this time that individuals are able to join together the physical
and social aspects of sex and sexuality.
Most adolescents
practice some types of interactive sexual behaviors with others, such
as fondling, open-mouth kissing, and simulated intercourse.
Adapted from:
Simon, W., & Gagnon,
J. (1998). Psychosexual development. Society, 35 (2), 60-68.
Sgroi, S., Bunk, B.,
& Wabrek, C. (1988). Children's sexual behaviors and their relationship
to sexual abuse. In A. Gitterman (Ed.), Vulnerable Populations.
Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.
Sarrel, L. (1989).
Sexual unfolding revisited. SIECUS Report, 18 (1), 4-5.