2000 Jordan Institute
for Families

Vol. 3,
No. 2
July 1998
Five Steps of Anger Management
Below is an approach to anger management used
by Dr. Kim Masters, of Charter Hospital in Asheville, North Carolina. If you work with
angry youth, you may want to learn these steps and integrate them into your practice.
Admit that you are angry, to yourself
and/or to someone else.
Believe you can control your anger. Tell
yourself that you can!
Calm down. Control your emotions. Take some
time for yourself, breath deeply, count to ten, cry...do whatever works for you.
Decide how to solve the problem. This step
only works once you are calm. Figure out what you need, and what's fair.
Express yourself assertively. Ask for what
you need. Speak calmly, without yelling, and people will listen to you.
Masters, K. (1992). The angry
child: Paper tiger or sleeping giant? Santa Monica, CA: Psychiatric Hospital Division
of National Medical Enterprises, Inc.
© 1998
Jordan Institute for Families