3, No. 2
July 1998
for Working with Aggressive Teens
signs of aggression. Learn to identify clues that a teen is potentially
violent. Know how to defend yourself and how to restrain a client if necessary.
alternatives. Aggressive teens may not know what to do with their
feelings. Expose them to positive ways to expend energy, like exercising,
drawing and painting, running, playing sportseven crying.
problem solving. Most adolescents get angry for good reasons, but
express their anger inappropriately. Teach them how to resolve conflicts
through honest discussion and compromise.
time. Encourage young people to take time for themselves, away from
noise and activity. Explain that this calming, quiet time is a gift to
off the TV. Studies have linked television with violence and hyperactivity.
It's not just the violent content of TV shows, it's the barrage of stimulation
that makes it hard for kids to focus.
appropriately. Many adolescents and adults use touch only as a means
of control or showing aggression. By touching our adolescent clients appropriately
(e.g., pats on the back, handshakes), we help them learn a better way
to use their bodies. Do not touch a teen who is angry, however.
the consequences of violence. When they are relaxed, explain to teens
that as adults, violent behavior can hurt their chances of finding a job,
alienate friends, or lead to jail. Make sure teens understand that you
are simply describing reality, not trying to manipulate them with guilt
or fear.
model. By remaining calm, speaking in a respectful and rational manner,
and never condoning violence, even jokingly, you can exemplify the behavior
we expect from adolescents.
clear standards of behavior. Make certain your clients know that anger
is natural and should be expressed, but that violence is unacceptable
under any circumstances.
safely. Transporting an angry, agitated teens can lead to accidents.
Always warn drivers if a child they are transporting is upset. If he or
she starts to act out while you are on the road, stop the vehicle and
give them time to cool off.
M. (1996). Large group treatment of severely disturbed/conduct-disordered
adolescents. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 46(3),
E. & Ecton, R. (1986). Adolescent anger control. New York:
Pergamon Press.
B. (1996). Aggression replacement training in children and adolescents.
In Hatherleigh Guide to Child and Adolescent Therapy. New York:
Hatherleigh Press.
K. (1992). The angry child: Paper tiger or sleeping giant? Santa
Monica, CA: Psychiatric Hospital Division of National Medical Enterprises,
Lagerspetz, K. & Viemero, V. (1986). Television and aggressive behavior
among Finnish children. L. R. Huesman & L. D. Eron (Eds.).Television
and the Aggressive Child: A Cross-National Comparison, pp. 81-118.
Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
1998 Jordan Institute for Families